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Meet Your Councillors

How to become a Councillor

Click on this link to find out how to become a Councillor https://www.totnestowncouncil.gov.uk/your-council/what-we-do/make-a-change-become-a-councillor/.

Registrable Interests

Totnes Town Councillors’ Registrable Interests can be viewed on the South Hams District Council website or clicking on the individual Councillor profiles above.

Forum Membership 2024/25

Traffic & Transport ForumCouncillors Auletta, Presswell and Roberts (Cllrs Bennett & Collinson attend as representatives of other organisations, not as Cllrs)
Cultural Links  Councillor Cooper
ArtsCouncillors Hannam & Price
Elderly and Vulnerable People Councillors Collinson & Hannam 
Young People/Youth Councillors Hannam & Hodgson
Heritage Councillors Auletta, Bennett & Price
Open Space, Sports Provision and Leisure Councillors Auletta, Price & Roberts
Traffic and Transport Councillors Auletta, Presswell and Roberts
Environment, Sustainability & Air QualityCouncillors Cummings & Hodgson
DisabilityCouncillor Collinson, Hodgson & Price
Business and EmploymentCouncillors Peters & Roberts 

Representatives On Outside Bodies 2024/25

TADPOOL Councillor Hannam
Totnes Allotments Association Councillor Hodgson 
Vire Twinning Association Councillors Cooper & Price
Totnes Municipal Charities and Totnes Bounds CharityCouncillors Bennett & Hannam
KEVICC Foundation Governors Councillors Beavis, Bennett, Hannam & Price (Cllr Hodgson as County Cllr)  
Parish Paths Partnership Councillor Auletta
Totnes Hospital League of Friends Councillor Hannam & Price
DALC Councillor Price
Dart Harbour Community Group
(formerly River Dart Non-Beneficiaries Group) 
Councillor Collinson & Peters
Totnes Chamber of CommerceCouncillors Peters & Roberts
FairtradeCouncillor Chinnock & Hannam
Museum TrustCouncillor Bennett
Caring TownCouncillors Collinson, Peters & Price
Network of WellbeingCouncillor Cummings
Bridgetown AliveCouncillors Bennett, Hodgson & Presswell
Friends of Totnes MuseumCouncillor Auletta
Daisy and Rainbow ChildcareCouncillor Bennett
Inclusive TotnesCouncillors Cummings & Price
Police and Crime Commissioner Councillor AdvocateCouncillors Peters & Smallridge 
Totnes Community Builders (formerly TC Development Society)Councillors Beavis & Price
Devon Countryside Forum Councillor Hodgson
Rural Services Network Councillor Hodgson
Friends of SalfitCouncillors Cooper & Price
TQ9 PartnershipCouncillors Collinson & Peters
Schools EngagementCouncillor Bennett
Thu 18th June 2020
Last Updated
Wed 3rd July 2024