A by-election is set to be held on 20 June 2024 to find a new town councillor to represent Totnes Town Ward. Residents and local business owners are now invited to nominate themselves as a candidate for the by-election by 23 May 2024. Nomination papers are available from the Town Council Offices, 5 Ramparts Walk between 10am-4pm Monday- Friday from 15 May 2024. The deadline for returning nomination papers to South Hams District Council at Follaton House, Plymouth Road, Totnes TQ9 5NE is 4pm on 23 May 2024. If the election is contested (eg, if more than one person is nominated) then the election will be held.
Totnes Mayor, Cllr Emily Price, explains: “As a town councillor you become a voice for your community and make real change. You’ll make decisions on local services, collaborate with district and borough councils to meet to local needs, and progress vital projects to invest in the future of the community. If you are passionate about Totnes and our local community then please do put yourself forward now!”
The vacancy has arisen following two recent resignations, one for Totnes Town Ward and one for Bridgetown Ward. These vacancies were advertised earlier this year by the Town Council and South Hams District Council, inviting residents in each ward to make a request for an election. At least 10 residents are required to make a request in writing for an election to be held. South Hams District Council did not receive the required number of requests for the vacancy in Bridgetown Ward. As a result, this position can be filled by co-option. South Hams District Council did receive the required number of requests for an election for the vacancy in Totnes Town Ward. As a result, a by-election will take place.
Residents and local business owners are also invited to put themselves forward for co-option as a councillor to the Bridgetown Ward position. Town Councillors will then review the applications and make an appointment. The deadline for anyone interested in being considered is midday on Thursday 23 May 2024, so that Full Council can review the applications at the meeting on 10 June 2024.
For more information on how to apply for either the co-option or elected position, and eligibility criteria, please see https://www.totnestowncouncil.gov.uk/your-council/what-we-do/make-a-change-become-a-councillor/ or contact the Town Clerk on 01803 862147.
The Council is made up of 16 Councillors – 10 representing Totnes Town and 6 representing Totnes Bridgetown. The Council meet once a month at 6.30pm, in the Guildhall, Totnes, with additional committee meetings held throughout the year. These roles are voluntary.
The Council acts as a voice for the local community and hopes to improve the wellbeing of the local community through:
- Delivery of services – the running of the cemetery, provides a civic space in terms of funding the maintenance and running costs for the Civic Hall, determines its own tourism policy and approach, makes public realm improvements (for example seating, signage, flower planters), and in the provision of land for allotments at Castle Meadow.
- Improve quality of life for residents – it has awarded grants to community groups, projects or facilities which are most recently focussing on assisting in the Cost of Living crisis, and various cultural events, as well as organising the Christmas festival evenings, community events such as the Community Arts Day, the Christmas lights switch on, pursuing climate emergency projects and encouraging green travel initiatives.
- Give communities a democratic voice – it can draw attention to issues of concern with the authorities or at district and county level, and is a consultee on planning applications.