Home Our Services Totnes Cemetery

Totnes Cemetery

Information about the cemetery can be found here but for more details please call the office on 01803 862147.

Totnes Cemetery lies in a peaceful, semi-rural setting in Follaton within walking distance of the town centre of Totnes. The address is Plymouth Road, Totnes, TQ9 5LX

The Cemetery is run by Totnes Town Council and anyone may apply to be buried in its grounds. Space is available in consecrated and unconsecrated land for burials or cremated remains. There is also a section for members of the Catholic faith. At present we do not have areas for other faiths but would be happy to discuss your requirements with you and will help if at all possible.

Totnes Town Council has a legal obligation to ensure that all who enter the cemetery are safe to do so. As part of this we are required to carry out inspections of memorials at regular intervals.

Water Supply

There is water available in the Cemetery by the small gate from Plymouth Road.

Cemetery Regulations

Memorial Application

Once completed, please return along with the Deed of Grant to Totnes Town Council, Guildhall Offices, 5 Ramparts Walk, Totnes, TQ9 5QH or email

To request a memorial bench in the cemetery please email

Burial Fees

Burial Form

Once completed, please return the burial form and lawn section agreement form (see below) along with the Deed of Grant to Totnes Town Council, Guildhall Offices, 5 Ramparts Walk, Totnes, TQ9 5QH or email

Pre-Purchase Grave Form and Lawn Section Agreement Form

If you wish to plan ahead and purchase your plot in advance please complete the pre-purchase grave form and the lawn section agreement form (for plots in sections J, Q and R) and submit it by email.

Cemetery Map

Funeral Directors

You can request an information pack by contacting the office.

Thu 18th June 2020
Last Updated
Wed 26th March 2025